Focus on the SF-24 at Monza

F1 Tech Updates for Italian GP 2024

Published on 2024-08-30

The Italian Grand Prix has always been a showcase of speed, and this year is no exception. Several teams have introduced significant updates to their cars, aiming to gain a competitive edge on the high-speed Monza circuit.

Ferrari's Major Overhaul

Ferrari, racing on home turf, has unveiled a substantial package of upgrades. While the usual front and rear wing changes are expected for low-downforce tracks like Monza, Ferrari has also implemented more significant modifications. Updates to the nose, mirror stays, floor fences, floor body, floor edge, diffuser, and engine cover are designed to address the bouncing issues that have plagued the car since the Spanish Grand Prix. The goal is to reduce bouncing without compromising downforce.

Other Teams' Updates

  • Mercedes has opted for a new rear wing tailored to Monza's low-downforce demands.
  • McLaren has introduced a high-cooling front brake duct, a new front wing, and a revised sidepod shape to enhance rear aerodynamic performance.
  • Aston Martin has brought Monza-specific front and rear wings, as well as a beam wing.
  • Alpine has updated its front wing.
  • Williams has a low-drag front wing and rear wing.
  • Haas has a new front wing and an updated front suspension.

RB and Stake's Performance Enhancements

RB and Stake have also introduced significant upgrades. In addition to the usual front wing, rear wing, and beam wing changes, RB has added a new floor and Halo for overall performance, along with simplified mirrors to reduce drag. Stake has also implemented a new floor and diffuser, designed to improve high-energy flow into the diffuser and better control the aerodynamic impact of the rear tires.

Upgrades in Details

Red Bull Racing

  • Front Wing (Circuit specific - Drag Range)
  • Rear Wing (Circuit specific - Drag Range)


  • Rear Wing (Performance - Drag reduction)
  • Rear Wing (Performance - Drag reduction)


  • Front Wing (Circuit specific - Balance Range)
  • Nose (Performance - Flow Conditioning)
  • Mirror (Performance - Flow Conditioning)
  • Floor Fences (Performance - Flow Conditioning)
  • Floor Body (Performance - Flow Conditioning)
  • Floor Edge (Performance - Flow Conditioning)
  • Diffuser (Performance - Flow Conditioning)
  • Coke/Engine Cover (Performance - Flow Conditioning)
  • Rear Wing (Circuit specific - Drag Range)


  • Front Corner (Circuit specific - Cooling Range)
  • Front Wing (Circuit specific - Balance Range)
  • Coke/Engine Cover (Performance - Flow Conditioning)

Aston Martin

  • Front Wing (Circuit specific - Balance Range)
  • Beam Wing (Circuit specific - Drag Range)
  • Rear Wing (Performance - Local Load)


  • Front Wing (Circuit specific - Balance Range)


  • Front Wing Endplate (Circuit specific - Drag Range)
  • Front Wing (Circuit specific - Balance Range)
  • Rear Wing (Circuit specific - Drag Range)


  • Front Wing (Circuit specific - Balance Range)
  • Floor Body (Performance - Local Load)
  • Rear Wing (Circuit specific - Drag Range)
  • Beam Wing (Circuit specific - Drag Range)
  • Halo (Performance - Flow Conditioning)
  • Mirror (Circuit specific - Drag Range)

Kick Sauber

  • Front Wing (Circuit specific - Balance Range)
  • Floor Body (Performance - Local Load)
  • Diffuser (Performance - Flow Conditioning)
  • Rear Wing (Circuit specific - Drag Range)


  • Front Wing (Circuit specific - Balance Range)
  • Front Suspension (Performance - Flow Conditioning)

Technical Updates per Team Since the Start of the Season

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